Monday, August 17, 2009

It's been awhile

...hasn't it? Sorry, Life sometimes gets in the way of good intentions.

I decided that to be more frugal, I'd start asking myself "is this something I need, or something I just want?" I will allow myself to buy something I want as long as I understand that it's a want rather than a need.

Recently, I decided to purchase a new cell phone. I really wanted a BlackBerry Storm. I'm on Sprint and it's not a phone Sprint carries. So, I looked at the BlackBerry phones that Sprint does carry and found a couple were acceptable in lieu of the Storm. When I got ready to purchase, I found the plan I was on wasn't sufficient for the phone I chose, so I looked at the plans needed for the BlackBerry.

In the course of making that decision (I would be paying less than $10 a month for a plan upgrade) Sprint advised that I could save on my current plan by nearly 50% by dropping some of the items I have on my plan. So...I faced a dilemma. Go with my current plan, which was now looking very nice, or upgrade phone and plan and spend more.

I could have the phone I wanted, but it would cost more. Or, save money by staying with the downgraded plan. I both want and need a new cell phone. The one I have took an accidental plunge into my kitchen sink one day. It still works, but I have to take the battery out to turn it off. It's a couple of years old, so I was wanting a new one anyway.

The questions are:

1. Do I need a new cell phone or just want one? The answer is actually yes to both.

Okay, I have permission to buy a new phone.

Now, what phone?

1. BlackBerry: do I need or want it? The answer is that I don't really "need" a BlackBerry, but I do want one. I don't really need or want the extra cost of the new service plan, which in itself will cost me about $250 over the span of the required two year contract.

Since I understand that my reason for wanting the BlackBerry is mostly because I want a BlackBerry, I now have permission to buy a BlackBerry. But I find I have reservations about it and I don't really feel good about it. So, I'll see if I can find a phone that will give me what I want, but will be accommodated by the downgraded service plan.

I looked around and yes, I found one that is acceptable. It has what I want, and lots of things I don't really need and some I won't use. Some of the things require my old service plan. I can always upgrade if I need to.

So, I ordered a Samsung Highnote last night. It will work on on the service plan, looks good (and yes, that was one of my criteria, so sue me! I like things that I think look good), it looks easy to use, the customer reviews were mostly good, I can use it for my music when I walk, it's Bluetooth enabled, so I don't have to use a corded headset or speakerphone. I like the speakerphone, but there are times when I don't want the world to hear my conversation.

The good news is I'm not getting the phone I wanted (and it is good news), but I am getting the phone I need and is acceptable in all ways. I don't feel like I'm depriving myself of anything, my service plan, although extended for two more years, is almost 50% of what it was. And if necessary, I can upgrade

It should be delivered in 2-4 days, so we'll see if I'm as happy with my choice as I think I'll be.